
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Why I'm NOT panicking about Valentine's Day

So, it's February. Anyone else notice?

Normally this month is exciting because I get to celebrate Little Brother's birthday (happy early birthday, Little Brother!). Also, since he got engaged, February also means we get to celebrate his fiance's birthday (happy late birthday, Little Sister)!

That other holiday in February...yeah, it doesn't generally get a lot of attention from me. I mean, I'm ALL for chocolate (who isn't?) and I generally get presents for/from Momma & Daddy, but other than that, it's just a cute day to hand out teeny pink cards and lollipops. It's not that I don't like it (I think it's cute), I just don't generally make a big deal out of it.

This year, however...this year I have to. This year...I owe The Boy something on that day. I've pretty much already decided what I'm giving him, and I was very comfortable with my decision.

That is until the other night, as we were driving over to our friends' house to babysit. On the way, my sweet boy says, "So, I won't be able to hang out with you Saturday because I'm spending the day finishing your Valentine's present. That okay?"


I mean, sure. That's...fine. need an ENTIRE SATURDAY to work on my present?

All of a sudden I'm all self-conscious and concerned that my gift (the idea of which I LOVE, thank you very much) isn't enough. And I start to worry. And over-analyze. And act like all the crazy people that annoy me on Valentine's Day because they make too big of a deal out of it. And and and...

Then, I took a step back. I took a breath. And I calmed down.

This kid likes me. And I like him. And our relationship isn't dramatic or stressful or materialistic. We're us and we're awesome. And if he wants to spend an entire day working on a gift, I shouldn't panic. I should be thankful for how much he cares. For how much time he WANTS to spend on me. I mean, really, isn't that cute?!?

And because we're awesome, he won't be comparing my gift to his gift. He'll appreciate it just as much as I hoped he would. Because he's wonderful. And because that's how we work.

I can't wait to give him his gift. And I can't wait to see what I get back. I'm one very blessed, very happy girl.

Happy February, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Love this - and you have nothing to stress about! His gifts are always about the thoughtful, not extravagance, and sounds like you're just the same!
